Athens 100 Series: Listening Elect 6B (2021 Ed.)
text_isbn 9789888499786
HK$ 88
ATHENS 100 SERIES: Listening Elect is a 12-book listening series written in accordance with the latest Primary English Curriculum to enhance students’ listening skills.Key Features
- 6–7 units with themes, listening strategies and text types in alignment with school and public exams
- Listening Strategies are systemically categorised into Literal Skill, Analytical Skill and Inferential Skill, allowing students to master the strategies in a progressive approach
- Text Type Clinic analyses the features of the target text type
- Thematic Vocabulary introduces theme-based vocabulary for listening
- Phonics Time reinforces students’ understanding of the relationship between spelling and pronunciation
- Dictation provides opportunities for quick self-study
- Listening Activities are suggested in the Listening Guide booklet, which help teachers and parents organise activities that strengthen specific listening skills
- Easy access to all audio recordings through QR Codes